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Arts and Talents by God's Grace

College Students & Graduates Internship Program


Images from


Disadvantaged People

You will learn practical & professional work knowledge and skills; apply them to lead the high schoolers to serve the people in needs and community. At the same time you contribute yourself!
When you feel competent, you will have opportunities to help the teens with developmental disability in their programs;
or to assist in the process for those who can't independently use computers such as the disadvantaged, elderly, or little kids.

This program will not only let you show love in action,
but also will help you experience God's leading;
make more productions that are in line with God's heart;
develop your leadership and management capability; and
provide you with the experience connected to your future success.

We have diverse departments and fields for you to explore.
Don't miss this great opportunity for building together with God!

Print & Digital Media Publicity

Learn, develop, design, & update a yearly Program Introduction Flyer, which will have various layouts for the print and the digital media with a QR code. Also, will produce Participant Work Manual.

sample image from GHC School

Digital Image Editing and Re-design For Derived Products

Learn & practice the apps of digital image editing on the websites of print-on-demand suppliers, such as Printful, Printify, and Canva, in order to design the layouts on various products like T-shirts, mugs, bags, and etc. Apply the learned skills to teach the artists with special needs and help them produce virtual derived products to sell online at and make money.

Artist Mason P. Artwork

The First Publicity & Calling at Church

Learn, develop & design a video and a flyer to introduce ArtGrace & AnTGrace and to call people to participate & donate. The video will be shown at the end of Sunday worship. The flyer will be inserted in the worship program sheet.

Art & Craft Teacher Assistant

(1) learn to lead Community Art Activity for Teens and Young Adults who have developmental disability.

(2) learn to teach in Art & Craft Class for Children and adults with developmental disability
( individual or small group).

Special Education & Therapy related

learn some knowledge or apply you have learned in school to help the people with developmental disability in the Community Art Activity,
Art Class, Community Service & Internship Programs.

Digital Magazine

Learn, develop, design & update a periodical digital eMagazine for ArtGrace and AnTGrace

Sample Fliphtml5 eMagazine Template

( Future Program )

WordPress Website Development & Maintenance

( Future Program )

Copy-writing & Text Editing for Web Page and Digital Magazine

( Future Program )

Web Page Layout Design & Development

Learn & practice WordPress and Elementor, the webpage publishing software, to assist in the layout design of web pages for and

Develop, produce, and update the website user manuals with texts & videos for ArtGrace & AnTGrace.

( Future Program )

accounting & Payroll Affairs

( Future Program )

Legal & Compliance Affairs

( Future Program )

Marketing & Management

For Programs & Ministries

( Future Program )

Design for The Logo

Learn ( ex: Inkscape, a free professional quality vector graphics software), develop & design logos for ArtGrace and AnTGrace

( Future Program )

"for it is God who works in you to will and to act
in order to fulfill his good purpose."

Philippians 2:13

Experience God's Leading

Have a deeper relationship with God,

Know yourself more through serving,

and Find out His wonderful plans for you!

Give thanks & glories to God!

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask
or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us "
Ephesians 3:20

Come Have Joy & Creativity to Participate in this establishing Process
of God's Wonderful Ministry !

and Discover how abundant the grace
you will receive from God !

Cassie K.

Happy Interns

John W.

Daniel C.

Q & A


want to
talk with us?

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